Tag: USA

  • Press Release: PulpEye has delivered DDA No. 100

    Solenis LLC recently purchased Dynamic Drainage Analyzer (DDA) No. 100 from PulpEye.  The DDA is a dynamic drainage tester which gives drainage values comparable to drainage in a wire section. The tester is used by paper and board producers as well as chemical and filler suppliers around the world. With the aid of the DDA,…

  • PulpEye har levererat den hundrade DDA-mätaren

    Solenis i USA blev genom köpet av ytterligare en DDA 5, användaren av den hundrade DDA-mätaren från PulpEye. DDA, eller Dynamic Drainage Analyzer, är en dynamisk avvattningsmätare som ger avvattningsvärden jämförbara med verklig avvattning på ett viraparti. Mätaren används av pappers- och kartongtillverkare, liksom leverantörer av kemikalier och fyllnadsmedel, över hela världen. Med hjälp av…

  • First DDA 5 delivery to the USA

    The dynamic drainage analyser, DDA, simulates drainage conditions on paper machines and is sold to papermakers, chemical manufacturers and R&D companies worldwide. Earlier this year this equipment was upgraded to model DDA 5 with features like drainage speed, initial drainage and temperature readings presented for chosen time intervals. The productivity has increased as the equipment…

  • PulpEye is gaining momentum

    Eurocon Analyzer’s advanced online pulp analyzer, PulpEye, is gaining momentum around the world. Two new examples are orders to a mill in USA, and Korsnäs AB, Sweden.  – ”The order to USA is a breakthrough on the US market and the order to Korsnäs in Gävle, that is the company’s second PulpEye, confirms our leading…