Tag: DDA5

  • Vacuum dewatering – a successful method for nanocellulose tests

    Vacuum dewatering – a successful method for nanocellulose tests

    Laboratory drainage tests become difficult for suspensions containing a large proportion of fines or nanocellulose due to the small sizes of these elements. Already ten years ago scientific studies proved that vacuum dewatering is the best method in these cases. PulpEye’s Dynamic Drainage Analyser, DDA 5, is hence increasingly used by companies involved in nanocellulose…

  • PulpEye har levererat den hundrade DDA-mätaren

    Solenis i USA blev genom köpet av ytterligare en DDA 5, användaren av den hundrade DDA-mätaren från PulpEye. DDA, eller Dynamic Drainage Analyzer, är en dynamisk avvattningsmätare som ger avvattningsvärden jämförbara med verklig avvattning på ett viraparti. Mätaren används av pappers- och kartongtillverkare, liksom leverantörer av kemikalier och fyllnadsmedel, över hela världen. Med hjälp av…

  • Imerys UK buys a DDA 5

    The new dynamic drainage analyser, DDA 5, is receiving great interest. Imerys UK already has the model DDA 4 and has just bought a DDA 5 for their operations in the UK. The existing DDA 4 will be shipped to Imerys USA. “It is really rewarding that Imerys UK has now bought their second dynamic…

  • First DDA 5 delivery to the USA

    The dynamic drainage analyser, DDA, simulates drainage conditions on paper machines and is sold to papermakers, chemical manufacturers and R&D companies worldwide. Earlier this year this equipment was upgraded to model DDA 5 with features like drainage speed, initial drainage and temperature readings presented for chosen time intervals. The productivity has increased as the equipment…