Tag: DDA
Vacuum dewatering – a successful method for nanocellulose tests
Laboratory drainage tests become difficult for suspensions containing a large proportion of fines or nanocellulose due to the small sizes of these elements. Already ten years ago scientific studies proved that vacuum dewatering is the best method in these cases. PulpEye’s Dynamic Drainage Analyser, DDA 5, is hence increasingly used by companies involved in nanocellulose…
Press Release: PulpEye has delivered DDA No. 100
Solenis LLC recently purchased Dynamic Drainage Analyzer (DDA) No. 100 from PulpEye. The DDA is a dynamic drainage tester which gives drainage values comparable to drainage in a wire section. The tester is used by paper and board producers as well as chemical and filler suppliers around the world. With the aid of the DDA,…
PulpEye har levererat den hundrade DDA-mätaren
Solenis i USA blev genom köpet av ytterligare en DDA 5, användaren av den hundrade DDA-mätaren från PulpEye. DDA, eller Dynamic Drainage Analyzer, är en dynamisk avvattningsmätare som ger avvattningsvärden jämförbara med verklig avvattning på ett viraparti. Mätaren används av pappers- och kartongtillverkare, liksom leverantörer av kemikalier och fyllnadsmedel, över hela världen. Med hjälp av…
PulpEye launches Dynamic Drainage Analyzer DDA 5 with new features
PulpEye, is an innovative measurement technology company, is now launching the fifth generation of its Dynamic Drainage Analyzer, DDA 5. This model, like its predecessors, gives drainage values comparable to real drainage situations on modern paper machines’ wire sections. One of the new features is an automatic retention module which can calculate the retention by…
Dynamic Drainage Analyzer sold to China
PulpEye has sold the Dynamic Drainage analyzer, DDA, to China. The customer is Kemira China and who has a long experience of the DDA analyzer with several DDA units in use worldwide. DDA uses vacuum drainage which simulates real paper machine conditions much better than free drainage methods. The DDA unit has a very high…