Category: News
PulpEye at Zellcheming 2014
As usual, PulpEye exhibits at the ZELLCHEMING-Expo, this year held on June 24-26 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Like previous years we share stand with FRANK PTI and the stand is B67 in Hall 11. At the ZELLCHEMING-Expo 2014 the European pulp and paper industry comes together under the heading item ”Fibres in Process”. This…
[Swedish] Roland Bäck anställs som utvecklingskonsult
PulpEye har från den 15 maj anställt Roland Bäck som utvecklingskonsult med uppgift att vidareutveckla användningen av PulpEye och dess olika moduler. Han har en gedigen erfarenhet av utveckling och tillverkning av mekanisk massa. Roland Bäck har sedan 1984 arbetat med utvecklingsfrågor inom mekanisk massatillverkning inom SCA-koncernen, först hos Sunds Defibrator och sedan 1988 på…
Successful participation at Asia Paper 2014
PulpEye participated at Asia Paper 2014 fair in cooperation with Elof Hansson, our representative in Asia. A number of interested visitors from Asian pulp and paper companies were introduced to the PulpEye analyzer equipment as well as the DDA analyzer. “We were busy in the stand presenting our PulpEye analyzer with modules as well as…
Waggeryd Cell first to put in CrillEye
The first mill installation of CrillEye, developed in cooperation between PulpEye and the Swedish research institute Innventia, has been installed and is successfully running at Waggeryd Cell in Sweden. Important pulp strength properties can now be predicted online, which contributes to a stable pulp quality, quicker grade changes and reduces man-hours for lab tests. Waggeryd…
[Swedish] Waggeryd Cell först att installera CrillEye
This Press release is available in English. Den första installationen av CrillEye, som utvecklats i samarbete mellan Innventia och PulpEye, har installerats och tagits i drift hos Waggeryd Cell. Viktiga styrkeegenskaper kan förutsägas online vilket bidrar till en stabil massakvalitet, snabbare kvalitetsomställningar och minskar tiden för manuella kvalitetskontroller. Waggeryd Cell tillverkar blekt CTMP-massa av långfiber…
[Swedish] PulpEye deltar i FORIC, skogsindustriell forskarskola vid Mittuniversitetet
KK‐stiftelsen beviljar 18 miljoner kronor för finansiering av den nya forskarskolan ”FORIC” vid Mittuniversitetet. PulpEye är ett av flera deltagande företag och deltagandet består i att Mathias Lundberg vid PulpEye Sundsvall kommer att i sitt forskningsarbete som företagsdoktorand inrikta sig på att utveckla mätningen av finmaterial. Tillsammans med skogsindustrin och andra näringar relaterade till skogsindustrin…
DDA Dynamic Drainage Analyzer sold to Borregaard, Norway
We have now sold the 87th DDA. The customer is Borregaard in Norway and they will use it in their laboratory. Borregaard has one of the world’s most advanced biorefineries. By using natural, sustainable, raw materials, Borregaard produces advanced and environmentally sound biochemicals, biomaterials and bioethanol that can replace oil-based products. Borregaard have, after an…
Elof Hansson is appointed agent for PulpEye
[singlepic id=12 w=320 h=240 float=right]PulpEye and the related products are now closer to the pulp and paper industry worldwide. This is the result of our cooperation with Elof Hansson, who now represents us in 30 countries worldwide. The agreement is a result of an interest from both parties, PulpEye is ready for increased international presence…
Visit Team PulpEye on booth 05 at Zellcheming exhibition Wiesbaden Germany June 12-14th
[singlepic id=11 float=right]Team PulpEye will present our latest technology at the Zellcheming exhibition, you will find us in one of the first booths in the entrance hall, we will share a booth with our cooperation partner Frank – PTI from Birkenau, specialist on laboratory equipment. Welcome to Germany!
Stora Enso Skoghall invests in PulpEye online analyzer with DotEye module for quality control in CTMP mill
Skoghall Mill installs a PulpEye with fiber, shive, CSF and the new DotEye module. The DotEye module has in a short time been installed in several mills for pulp quality control. PulpEye replaces three old PQM inline analyzers. The PulpEye analyzer will be used for advanced close loop control of the CTMP refiners. PulpEye is…