Category: New orders
Forskningsprojektet Industry 5.0
PulpEye is participating in the Swedish pilot project Industry 5.0, a two-year initiative aimed at finding more efficient and secure methods for remote monitoring of mill processes. Funded by the Strategic Innovation Program for Process Industrial IT and Automation, the project involves the development of new technologies such as the RedEye analyzer and also focuses…
Press Release Major PulpEye order from Iggesund
PulpEye received its second biggest order ever when Iggesund paperboard bought two complete PulpEye sets, one for the unbleached and one for the bleached pulps. Both PulpEye cabinets are equipped with modules for online analysis of kappa number, brightness, fibre, shives and fibre wall thickness as well as the dot analyser DotEye. The order also…
Cartulinas CMPC Maule first to buy PulpEye in Chile
The Chilean folding boxboard maker Cartulinas CMPC S.A has bought two PulpEye online analyser systems to its mill in Maule, one of the world’s biggest folding boxboard mills. This is the first PulpEye order to Chile. One system will be installed in the BTMP pulp mill and the other in the board mill’s stock preparation.…
Cartulinas CMPC Maule först att köpa PulpEye i Chile
Den chilenska tillverkaren av falskartong, Cartulinas CMPC S.A. har köpt två PulpEye-system för online kvalitetskontroll till sitt bruk i Maule, ett av världens största falskartongbruk. Det är PulpEyes första Chileorder. Ett av systemen kommer att installeras i BCTMP-bruket och det andra i kartongbrukets mälderi. Cartulinas CMPC S.A., ett dotterbolag till Empresas CMPC S.A., har producerat…
Den femtionde PulpEye enheten har köpts av Aspa Bruk
Nu har milstolpen femtio sålda PulpEye passerats i och med att Ahlstrom-Munksjö Aspa Bruk investerar i ett PulpEye system för massaanalyser online. I Aspa tillverkas blekta och oblekta kraftmassor och den PulpEye som köpts innehåller moduler för bestämning av mätning av kappatal, ljushet, prickar och pH. – Det är fantastiskt roligt att vi nu sålt…
Press Release: PulpEye has delivered DDA No. 100
Solenis LLC recently purchased Dynamic Drainage Analyzer (DDA) No. 100 from PulpEye. The DDA is a dynamic drainage tester which gives drainage values comparable to drainage in a wire section. The tester is used by paper and board producers as well as chemical and filler suppliers around the world. With the aid of the DDA,…
PulpEye har levererat den hundrade DDA-mätaren
Solenis i USA blev genom köpet av ytterligare en DDA 5, användaren av den hundrade DDA-mätaren från PulpEye. DDA, eller Dynamic Drainage Analyzer, är en dynamisk avvattningsmätare som ger avvattningsvärden jämförbara med verklig avvattning på ett viraparti. Mätaren används av pappers- och kartongtillverkare, liksom leverantörer av kemikalier och fyllnadsmedel, över hela världen. Med hjälp av…
Imerys UK buys a DDA 5
The new dynamic drainage analyser, DDA 5, is receiving great interest. Imerys UK already has the model DDA 4 and has just bought a DDA 5 for their operations in the UK. The existing DDA 4 will be shipped to Imerys USA. “It is really rewarding that Imerys UK has now bought their second dynamic…
PulpEye hoists the flag in Canada higher
During the fall PulpEye has received new orders for two PulpEye analyzers from two Canadian mills, Domtar Windsor, QC, and Port Hawkesbury Paper, NS. Domtar Windsor in Quebec has two paper machines with a total production capacity of about 640,000 tonnes of uncoated papers like high brightness, opaques, offset, multi-purpose digital papers, copy paper, laser…
First DDA 5 delivery to the USA
The dynamic drainage analyser, DDA, simulates drainage conditions on paper machines and is sold to papermakers, chemical manufacturers and R&D companies worldwide. Earlier this year this equipment was upgraded to model DDA 5 with features like drainage speed, initial drainage and temperature readings presented for chosen time intervals. The productivity has increased as the equipment…