Photo: Holmen.

Holmen installs ExtractEye in all mills

Digitalisation and smart handling of data give opportunities for more efficient mills with more stable processes and an even quality. Holmen has therefore bought the latest version of ExtractEye from PulpEye to their mills and is now in the implementation phase. This means that Holmen mills are actively taking steps towards Industry 4.0.

“The Iggesund Mill has for years been active in using multivariate data modelling to make it easier for the process operators to spot process and quality deviations and take necessary actions,” says Otto Lindeberg at Extract Information, the company behind ExtractEye. “Today most mills in the pulp and paper industry have a mill data base containing a huge amount of process and quality data from which ExtractEye can retrieve data for hundreds of variables and present a clear summary of how the process is running. If deviations occur the causing variables are presented in falling importance which makes it easier for the operators to bring the process back to normal.” 

“As probably all companies in our industry we focus on digitization and we want to find ways for smart handling of data to further support our mills to be even more efficient in stabilizing our processes and providing even more consistent quality.” says David Runosson, Project Manager at Holmen Development. ”An important step to reach this goal was that we wanted to have a tool that is easy to use for people in production. The Iggesund Mill has since years used an earlier version of ExtractEye and had seen the advantages with it.”

“Having investigated different possibilities, we took the decision last spring to buy the latest version of ExtractEye and implement it stepwise in our mills. ExtractEye is now installed in three out of our four mills and implementation is ongoing one production area after another. I hope that we can have it implemented on all our production areas before the end of next year. Experiences so far are that it is easy to use, operators like it and it helps us to stabilize our processes.”

At the Holmen mills ExtractEye continuously retrieve process and quality data for hundreds of variables important to board or paper manufacturing respectively. This gives the process operators a good picture of how the present process is running and they can clearly see which variables are deviating when process or quality deviations occur. For pulp mills for all kinds of pulp there is a corresponding package available from PulpEye, PulpOnTarget, in which ExtractEye retrieves data for fibre properties from PulpEye to calculate pulp quality data to give a corresponding overview of the pulp production. Pulp mills have therefore installed PulpOnTarget to get a good and always updated process overview.

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For more information, please contact

Öjvind Sundvall, MD PulpEye, mobile: +46 70 618 63 02.